22 Aug 2016 | Sambour Primary School | 60 Bicycles


On 22 August 2016, we gave 60 bicycles to 60 children who are from poor families studying in Sambour Primary School. Sambour Primary School is about 15km from Siem Reap City Centre, and the needy children who live in the city have to walk to school everyday. Without a form of transport, the children would take 45-60 minutes to get to school, and often end up late. By providing these bicycles, we are able to provide a form of transport to them and we hope to better their education.

We would like to thank Terri, Caroline Lim, Meiling, Cheebee, Lionel Lim, Paul, Andrew Webster, Joanne Low, Kartika, Ally Heng, Ting, Victoria, Alan and Tjo and for your generous donations for the bicycles for the children of Cambodia.





Terri, Caroline Lim, Meiling, Cheebee, Lionel Lim, Paul, Andrew Webster, Joanne Low, Kartika, Ally Heng, Ting, Victoria, Alan and Tjo.